Prayer Intentions, 2nd Sunday of Easter – 19th April 2020

For the Church:- That the profession of faith of Thomas may be echoed and repeated in the life and endeavour of the  body of Christ in our days.

For all working to end the pandemic: that God inspire and give insight to all who are caring for the sick, developing treatments, or researching vaccines

For all who struggle with faith: that the Word of God may open them to a relationship with God and enlighten their path to fuller life

For all who all who are ill, particularly those with Covid-19: that the Risen Lord will bring an end to the coronavirus and give hope, healing, and new life to those who are sick

For all who are frightened: that they may find the peace of Christ in their fear and darkness

 For all who work in essential jobs: that God will protect them and their families from illness and give them strength to fulfil their duties

For all who have died in our parish:- we remember especially Bruno Felletti, Mary Ward, Liliana Reilly, Michael O’Donnell, and Anthony Kane

We remember also Frank Muldoon, Alan Brown, Peter Boswell, Elise O’Hagan, Federigo Capanni, & Cathie Miller

For the anniversaries of Molly Burke, John Anderson, John & Agnes McMillan, Thomas McMillan, Mary & Steve Boyd, Thomas & Hannah McMillan, Joe & Jean Byers, Laura & Alex McKenzie,

That the risen Lord will welcome them all to Paradise.