For Pope Francis and for the whole Church: that God will transform our fears into hope, selfishness into love, and deaths into new life.
For all preparing for Baptism:- In our own parish of Christ the King, we pray especially for Emma Ward:- that God will lead Emma and all the elect in our parishes to newness of life through Baptism
For all key workers during the present crisis, in all the different areas of service and healing:- That they may know of our support, care and prayerful concern for them.
For all who have contracted the coronavirus: that God’s healing Spirit will ease their symptoms and restore them to health
For an end to the pandemic: that God will guide and inspire everyone working to curtail the virus and that each one of us may play our part.
For strength and courage: that God will inspire all who are searching for treatments for the coronavirus or working to develop a vaccine for it
For all who must face death each day, particularly emergency personnel and hospital chaplains: that God will strengthen their spirits and help them honour the life of each person they assist
For those who are mourning the death of a loved one: that they may know Christ’s loving and sustaining presence with them in their time of loss
For all who have died recently, especially Isa McLachlan, Cathie Boyle, Joe Kane, and Alphonse Francis:- For the month’s mind of Michael McCreadie.
For those whose anniversaries occur at this time, especially Tommy Orr, Edward Orr,
Matthew Cluckie, Artie Monaghan, Neil Campbell, Vincent McGlone, :-
That they will rise in glory to share in the joy of the kingdom.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.