For our holy father, Pope Francis, our bishop Philip, and all our Clergy:
That, in the unique situation created by the global pandemic, the Holy Spirit will console and strengthen them in proclaiming the good news of Christ’s Resurrection and victory over death.
For all national and world leaders:
That they will work closely with one another in a united fight to speedily find ways to cure and prevent Covid 19.
For the community of the parish of Christ the King:
That we may be given peace, joy, and freedom from all fears on this wonderful feast of Easter
For all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ:
That they will storm heaven with their prayers and that God will speedily help mankind amid the coronavirus outbreak.
For those in our parish and throughout the world who are ill, lonely, worried, or bereaved:
That God will tend all the sick, soothe the suffering, rest the weary, and pity the afflicted.
For all those who have died recently and especially for Bruno Felletti and Anthony Kane
Through God’s mercy, may they be received into the joy of heaven and the company of all his saints.
Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer