We pray that the Church may always have the integrity to sow seeds of justice and loving care before our world.
For all those affected by tribulation. persecution, anxiety or the attraction of wealth:- That they may hear God’s word and bear fruit for his kingdom.
For all who are searching for a vaccine and effective treatment for the Coronavirus:- That their efforts may quickly bring a solution for the world.
For a greater love for the Word of God:- That we may make space in our lives to allow the Word of God to challenge and confront us so that we may bear abundant fruit.
For all who spread the word of God: – for preachers, teachers, parents and writers:- That they may announce God’s loving compassion faithfully and convincingly so that others may come to know the living God.
For all who are sick or worried or troubled:- That the Lord’s gentle healing touch may give them new hope.
For all who have died, especially Barney Curran, John McCluskey, Martin McAnera and Sheila Daly who have died recently.
We remember also the anniversaries of Mary McLaughlin, Betty Gallacher, Michael McCreadie and Frank Gallagher whose anniversaries are at this time:- May they rise in glory through the power and love of their saviour.