For deeper communion with Christ: that, as we long to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, we may take on the mind and heart of Christ and continue the mission of Jesus
For Christian unity: that Christ’s Body and Blood given for us may heal all the divisions within the Christian community and bind us together into one body in love and service
For all who hunger spiritually: that through the manna of God’s Word, they may be nourished and find the way to live in peace and wholeness of life
For all who have experienced violence: that God will protect them from further harm, right the injustices that have occurred, and give them hope
For all who have experienced violence: that God will protect them from further harm, right the injustices that have occurred, and give them hope
For all who are ill and those care for them, especially Bridget Sharkey: that God will send healing to the sick, strength and wisdom to those who care for them and inspiration to those researching treatments and vaccines
For all who have died, praying especially for William Hannah, Archie McGregor, Helen Orr and Neil Grant for the months mind of Michael McCreadie and for the anniversaries of Helen Kelly and Joe Kearney:- That they may come to share in the joy of the heavenly banquet.