For the Church: that the unconditional love of the Trinity may strengthen and inspire each of us, deepen our love for one another, and help us to witness God’s love and mercy to others
For our parish communities: that the life-giving love of the Trinity may flow through us so that we may be untiring in supporting the lonely, consoling the grieving, encouraging the struggling, and forgiving those who have injured us
For the grace of discernment: that we may recognize more clearly our true goals in life and follow Jesus on the path to everlasting life
For all who have experienced violence: that God will heal their suffering, ease the pain of their memories, and give eternal peace those who have died
For all who are ill, particularly those with Covid-19: that God will free the world from the virus, heal those who are afflicted, and protect others from the disease.
For a new experience of grace and mercy in our lives: that God’s love will free us from our past failures, give us courage to make amends, and help us renew and rebuild our significant relationships
For all who have died: – we remember especially Kathleen Ring and all our loved one:- That they may come to share in the eternal glory of heaven.